Personal Branding

Who are you?
What product are you selling?

Who do people say you are?

What makes you unique?

What do you stand for and what value do you command in the market place?

We all have a personal brand whether we know it or not, whether we are managing it or not.

Personal Branding helps you become attractive, people pay more attention to you, they seek advice from you, they are happy to work with you and subsequently they buy your product.

More opportunities open up for you, you are more likely get promoted, you make more money, and you leave behind a good legacy.

Session 1:Who are you?

⦁ Your current Brand perception.
⦁ You desired perception.
⦁ The gaps.

Session 2: Positioning yourself.

⦁ Your brand presence.
⦁ What is your story?
⦁ Who is your brand competitor?

Session 3: Tell your story.

⦁ Your tagline.
⦁ Your Brand Mission
⦁ Your core values.
⦁ Your Elevator Pitch
⦁ Your vision.

Session 4: Packaging.

⦁ Your Brand identity.
⦁ Colors, fonts.
⦁ Website, logo.
⦁ Photos

Session 5: Promote yourself.

⦁ Your Brand strategy.
⦁ Your Brand manual.
⦁ Your worth

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